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Board of Directors

Richard M. Nummi, Esq.


Richard M. Nummi, Esq., 51, has over two decades of professional compliance and regulatory experience. He has been counsel to the Securities and Exchange Commission serving as senior counsel to the office of compliance inspections and examinations where his was quite extensive. Through the years he has headed compliance departments for many financial service entities of significance including Morgan Stanley, Jefferson Pilot, Kemper and others.

Robert Flynn, Jr., Esq.


Robert J. Flynn, Jr., Esq., 72, is a graduate of Georgetown University School of Foreign Services (B.S.F.S.), a graduate of Georgetown Law Center (J.D.) and a graduate of George Washington National Law Center (L.L.M.). He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar since 1969 and has practiced law both in the District of Columbia and elsewhere since that time. Mr. Flynn serves on the board of directors of IntreOrg Systems, Inc., Surgical Safety Scanner, Inc and TCI Acquisition Company, Inc.

Lacie kellogg headshot

Lacie Kellogg


Lacie Kellogg has 37 years of accounting experience 28 of which are in the Oil and Gas industry. Her experience is in the areas of Financial Reporting, Audit, Operations Accounting and Software Implementation. Lacie earned her BBA from the University of Houston and has worked with Carrizo Oil and Gas, Aurora Oil & Gas, an Australian based company, and as a private consultant in the energy field. She is a member of COPAS and is active in the local chapter previously holding Audit and Financial Reporting committee Chairs. Ms. Kellogg serves on the board of directors of TCI Acquisition Company Inc.

Lacie kellogg headshot

Mark Timm


Mark Timm, 41, has been a serial entrepreneur and exponential thinking practitioner for over two decades. He has started more than a dozen companies, several of which have multiplied and sold. His businesses have been built with international footprints in a dozen countries across diverse industries from retail to real estate and from product manufacturing to digital marketing and e-commerce. Mark is a best-selling author of Mentor To Millions and today spends his time and talents investing, advising and serving on the board of directors of publicly traded and private companies.



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